Keep basics

What can you do with Keep?

Capture ideas with your voice, add images to notes, check tasks off your to-do list, and much more.

With Google Keep, you can create, share, and collaborate with people on notes and lists. Keep synchronizes across all your devices, so your notes and lists go with you, wherever you are.

Note: The mobile sections of this guide focus on Android® and Apple® iOS® devices. If you’re using another device, such as BlackBerry® or Microsoft® Windows Phone®, you can still access Keep on your mobile browser.

What you need:

Google Workspace account & 10 minutes


Create and edit notes

Create meeting memos, project task lists, and more with notes and lists.

In this section, you learn how to:


Get Keep

Keep lets you take and update your notes wherever you go.

On mobile devices

To get Keep:

On the web

To get Keep, in your web browser, go to


Create a note or list

Create meeting memos, project task lists, and more with notes and lists.

On mobile devices

Create a note or list:

Edit a note or list: Tap a note or list, make any changes, and tap Back arrow_back to save.

Change a note into a list:

On the web

Create a note or list:

Edit a note or list:

Click a note or list, make any changes, and click Done.

Change a note into a list:


Add items to a note or list

After you create a note or list, you can add to it any time. Here’s some of the things you can do:


Mark a list item complete

Next to an item, click or tap the box. If you've shared a list, anyone can mark items complete.

Completed items move under the list and are crossed out.


Organize and find notes

Organize your notes with color and labels and find important notes fast.

In this section, you learn how to:


Color notes

Categorize or highlight your notes and lists with colors. If you share a note, only you can see the color you’ve added.

On mobile devices

Add color to notes or lists:

On the web

Add color to notes or lists:


Label notes

Organize your notes and lists with up to 50 labels, such as project names or team members. If you share a note, only you can see the label you’ve added.

On mobile devices

 Create a label:

 Rename a label:

 Delete a label:

 Add or remove labels on a single note or list:

Add or remove labels on several notes or lists at once:

Tip: In a note, you can also create or apply a label using a hashtag. To create a label, type #newlabel. To apply a label, type # and then select it.

On the web

 Create a label:

 Rename a label:

 Delete a label:

 Add or remove labels on a single note or list:

Add or remove labels on several notes or lists at once:

Tip: In a note, you can also create or apply a label using a hashtag. To create a label, type #newlabel. To apply a label, type # and then select it.


Pin important notes

Keep track of important notes by pinning them to the top of your Keep page.

On mobile devices

Pin a note: At the top of a note, tap Pin keep.

On the web

Pin a note: Hover over the top-right corner of a note and click Pin keep.


Find notes

Find notes and lists using the search box and filters, such as types, labels, colors, and more.

Search for notes or lists:


Set reminders

Get reminders exactly when you need them—at a particular time or when you reach a specific place.

In this section, you learn how to:


Create reminders

Keep to-do lists on your radar by adding reminders.

On mobile devices

Create a reminder:

Note: Turn on Wi-Fi for more accurate location reminders.

On the web

Create a reminder:

The reminder is automatically added and appears at the bottom of the note.


Manage reminders

Change reminder times, delete reminders, or see all of your upcoming reminders.

On mobile devices

Update a reminder:

Delete a reminder:

On the web

Update a reminder:

Delete a reminder: At the bottom of the note, click Delete cancel.

See all upcoming reminders:

Note: Reminders you create in Keep also show up in Google Calendar and Inbox by Gmail.

Change default reminder times:


Share notes

Share notes with other people so everyone can mark off tasks as they complete them.

In this section, you learn how to:


Share notes

On mobile devices

Share a note or list:

Remove someone from a note: In the note, tap Collaborators person_add. Then, next to the person’s name, tap Remove cancel.

On the web

Share a note or list:

Remove someone from a note: At the bottom of the note, click the collaborator’s image. Next to the collaborator, click Remove cancel and then Save.


Archive and delete notes

Archiving removes notes from your page to keep it clutter-free. But, the notes stay in your account so you can find them later and you still get reminders for them. It’s like moving notes into a filing cabinet for safekeeping, rather than putting them in the trash.

If you need to free up storage space, you can delete notes. Deleted notes are no longer searchable and no longer available to anyone you’ve shared them with. Deleted notes are removed completely from Keep after 7 days.

In this section, you learn how to:


Archive notes

Archive a note or list:


Restore archived notes

Restore an archived note or list:


Delete notes

On mobile devices

Delete a note or list:

On the web

Delete a single note or list: Hover over it and click More more_vert >Delete note.

Delete several notes or lists at once: At the top of each note or list, click Select done. Then, at the top of the page, click More more_vert > Delete notes.


Restore deleted notes

Restore a deleted note or list:

Note: After you delete a note, you have 7 days to recover it.


Permanently delete notes

Permanently delete a note or list: